So now that I am going to subject you to my ranting about all manners of nonsense under the sun, and some not under the sun, I figured I should probably kick off this adventure with a little background on myself. Perhaps to provide some clarity, but more so that we may glance at the same target down the barrel of the same gun.
Well my Name is Chuck, or Charles James Scully if you are a court appointed official. If you didnt know my name before reading this I am curious to know how you came upon my blog so please feel free to inform me. I was born in Kingston, New York on June 23, 1984. I now live in Lexington, Kentucky; far enough away from the noise to try and put some thoughts on paper.
My life has been riddled with significant experiences throughout. I find irony in the fact that most of said experiences werent very significant in the moment htat they happened. Now looking back on my life events, as i like to do on a regular basis, I tend to see more of how certain events and happenings played more of a significant role in the things I do and the man I have become over the years. I think when we set out to do something monumental it is often the little tihngs we do along hte way that really shape or cultivate the experience. Life tends to happen to most people while they're busy making plans for it.
I lived my life from about twelve to twenty four on a pace that would rival most rock stars and Hollywood actors. I never gave much thought ot what I was doing or where it would lead me. I experienced a lot of things early in my life that made me question everything from whether my parents actually cared about me to the idea that God even existed. I lived a terrible existance under two main premises: that my life only affected me so how I acted wouldn't hurt anyone but me. And the idea that if God did exist I was going to Hell anyways and if he didnt exist I had nothing to worry about so I had nothing to lose. The world is a dangerous place for a man where winning isn't an option. I wanted to die everyday and I wanted to have a good time doing it, regardless of whos expense it was at. I put more drugs and alcohol in my system that decade than your average human sees in a lifetime and made a point of participating in the most reckless behavior imaginable. If I was going to die it was certainly going to be in the style of somethnig that would have me remembered for years to come. I did everything from driving the wrong way down the highway to jumping off of a third story balcony into a three foot pool.
It seemed as though I was destined to survive all of this and live in absolute miseryforever until one night I decided to push the limits; drinking hard liquor and class A narcotics for a few days straight led me to an attempt on my life. Thankfully a failed attempt. After some medical attention I found myself in a long term inpatient rehab. Somewhere along the lines I got my head out of me selfish ass and realized that my life affects everyone involved in it and not just myself. My parents certainly have there shortcomings but no matter how little they have they would give it unquestioned for me. I've come to understand that the tribulations God allows one to go through have purpose no matter how hard it can be to see. I would not be who I am today had I not experienced a lifetime worth of suffering at the expense of myself and others. I am nearly finished with an AAS in Chemical Dependency Counseling and will be completing my Bachelors of Social Work at UK after my National Guard training as a 62W (combat medic) is finished so I can pass on the message that was given to me. A message of experience, stregnth, and hope. My experiences were not in vain, had I not gone through it I would not be equipped or understanding enough to be successful in the field I am entering.
People often have an "ah ha!" moment that shapes there perspective on life. I cant put my finger on a specific time or place where it all came together for me. Whether it was laying bloody in the pool after jumping, sitting in jail after driving on the off ramp, or your pick of the hospital trips I couldn't tell you. I found myself in Alabama on a tornado relief trip and as I was getting ready for bed on a gym floor trying to mentally prepare for what I was about to encounter I got confirmation. Not so much a sense of clarity about what I should be doing but a feeling of confirmation that I was right where God wanted me to be. I met some amazing people there and since have furthered my relationship with then and through other avenues of service. So although I couldnt give a specific time or date that a certain experience changed a certain something about me I can say they all have given me a profound understanding and purpose: a renewed faith in God and his work in my life, a reestablished relationship with my family, a sense of accomplishment and love in my life. Everyone should be as fortunate to experience my sufferings and awakenings.
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