Now that the formal introduction is over lets tackle an interesting topic we all have personal struggles with... Are you really created in Gods image?
I have a revelation on the subject. or more of an incomprehensible rant of a theory.
In my oppinion man was created as a controlable toned down version of Gods image. Hear me out because tihs could answer several of your most plaguing questions all at once. Anyone versed in theological studdies has come across the notion that there has been more than one creation so to speak. There has also never been a hard conclusion put to the disapearance of dinosaurs. Nor has there been any resolution to the time gaps between our existances.
Lets try this on for size:
In Gods original creation it played out very similar to the story were all used to except on day 6 there was no man. On day 6 God created a being truly in his image. God being the untimate in all aspects devised this being in his image; smart, lethal, apex, dominant, unstoppable. On day 6 the Lord gave Earth the velociraptor. What a magnificent creature. The apex predator, as godlike as anything walknig the Earth could be, truly created in his image.
The raptor also had the free will that God has been so atimate in making a part of all his noble creations. Given the raptors machine like killing skills, free will and the thirst for knowledge similar to humans it began to consume the earth. The true apex being created in Gods image was causing havoc and would no longer be submissive to God. Enter the destrustion of the world, or ice age or whateve teh scientists call it these days. As a direct result of the veliciraptors unwillingness to take a backseat to God the wrath we have all heard about was unleashed.
Gods next attempt at creation in his image would be more focused on giving the being spiritual and emotional qualities that are Godlike and less emphasis on the physical godliness given our youth as a species and inability to control ourselves. Much like the veliciraptors created in Gods image millenia ago we as humans are starting to abuse our power and authority as supreme beings. Fortunate for us we were not given the double edged sword of physical awesomeness that the raptor was so it in effect has dramatically slowed down our destruction of ourselves but I assure you, as the velociraptors did, we will reap the wrath of God for our disobedience. It is only a matter of time before God shakes up the etch-a-sketch and starts over so get your affairs in order.
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